

Page history last edited by Rob Darrow 5 years, 8 months ago

Course Registration Info

Course Content.

Weekly Webinars

Course Assignment Details.


Welcome to LGBT History Course - Summer 2019 - Syllabus 

Instructor: Dr. Rob Darrow 

Contact: robdarrow@robdarrow.us 

Online Meetings: Via Zoom. https://zoom.us/ (Links posted below prior to each webinar/meeting)

Discussion Board Responses: Via Facebook - Private Group

Assignment turn in: Via Google folders / email / presentations



Announcements - May 2019: 




Curriculum Materials:

Bronksi, Michael. Queer History of the United States. Boston: Beacon Books, 2011. (ISBN: 0807044652) Order online.


Stryker, Susan. Transgender History, second edition: The Roots of Today’s Revolution. Berkeley: Seal Press, 2017. (ISBN: 1580056892). Order online


One or both of the following:

Darrow, R., Indra, R. and Cutter, J. Curriculum Guide: Teaching LGBT History in Eleventh (11th) Grade U.S. History Classrooms: Five Themes and Lessons to Integrate with the California History / Social Science Framework. Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County. 2016. (Order Form - $40)  


Darrow, R., Indra, R. and Cutter, J. Curriculum Guide: Curriculum Guide: Teaching LGBT History in Eighth (8th) Grade. Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County. 2017. (Order Form - $40)  


Other Required Materials:   


Recommended Materials:


Ancient History Materials:

  • John Boswell Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe (1994) 
  • Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality (1980)




Curriculum Alignment Documents


Weekly Webinars List (Tuesdays, 6pm PST. Link to Join and Recording will be listed here) 

  • Week 1: Intro LGBT History, Curriculum as a Mirror and a Window, Logistics.
  • See other webinar listings here.
  • Week 2: Social Movements and Teaching LGBT History / California History Social Science Framework / Integrating LGBT history into what is already taught
  • Week 3: Harlem Renaissance (1920s) and the Lavender Scare (1950s)
  • Week 4: Legislation, Laws and Amendments related to LGBT History 
  • Week 5: Transgender History 
  • Week 6: Class Presentations



Assignments (C - Course Credit or Audit; W - Webinars Only) 


C/A – Credit or Audit; W – Webinar Only

C / A / W


Due Date


C; A; W

1. Discussion Board Posts: Reflections on readings or questions posed (C – respond to readings; W – provide general response).

(At least 5 posts – 2 points each week via Facebook group. One post by Friday. One response to a post by Sunday.).

** See Assignment Details ** 



C; A; W

2. Attendance in online class meetings – Tuesdays or written reflection about recording for credit (At least 5.)

** See Assignment Details ** 



C; A; W

3. Beginning reflection via email

** See Assignment Details ** 

June 10


C; A; W

4. Lesson Plan / Slides (Different requirements for C; A; W)

** See Assignment Details ** 

July 10


C; A; W

5. Lesson Plan Presentation / Online Presentation – July 17

** See Assignment Details ** 

July 17


C; A; W

6. Final Reflection via Email

** See Assignment Details ** 

July 19


C; A;

7. LGBT history integration / curriculum calendar

** See Assignment Details ** 

June 28


C; A;

8. LGBT Archive Visitation Reflection / Lesson 

** See Assignment Details ** 

July 17








Weekly Course and Assignment Schedule


Week 1 : Intro LGBT History, Curriculum as a Mirror and a Window, Logistics, Selection of Topic.

  1. Tuesday, 6pm PST  – Online Meeting – 1 hour. https://zoom.us/j/289955286. or via phone: 646-876-9923. Meeting ID: 289 955 286 
  2. Reading: Styles, Curriculum as a Mirror and a Window.
  3. Activity on your own: Mirror and Window Chart  
  4. Reading: Bronski. Introduction, pp. 1-16; pp. 40-62 (Chapter 3)
  5. Video: “Don’t Erase My History” 
  6. Activity: Archiving and linking assignments in Google drive.
  7. Activity: Complete Implicit Bias Test – Sexuality Test (Save your results to use in your reflection)
  8. Activity: Pre Assessment of LGBT history knowledge - PreTest of LGBT History
  9. Activity: App: Download QUIST and see what you learn.  
  10. Activity: Select LGBT history topic/content for lesson plan/research 

10.  Assignment: Online Discussion Board (DB) 1 and 2 – On our group Facebook page. ** See Assignment Details ** 

11.  Assignment: Beginning Reflection (Who are you? Sexuality Implicit Association test results, mirrors and windows for you growing up, mirrors and window teaching in your classroom)  ** See Assignment Details ** 

12. PreTest of LGBT History Knowledge (Auto-scored)



Week 2 : Social Movements and Teaching LGBT History / California History Social Science Framework / Integrating LGBT history into what is already taught

  1. Tuesday, 6pm PST  – Weekly Webinars – 1 hour. Activity: Elements of a Social Movement 
  2. Reading: California History Social Science Framework (Chapter 20 and One Chapter of Choice).
  3. Reading: Bronski. pp. 176-204 (Chapter 9)
  4. Reading: Darrow Curriculum Guide (Either 8th or 11th Grade –  Overview, Vocabulary and Terminology Sections)
  5. Reading: National Park Service LGBTQ Heritage Theme Study.  “Chapter 32: Teaching LGBTQ History and Heritage”.
  6. Activity: View timeline of a Social Movement (Women, Civil Rights, Latinx, LGBT) - Google Doc * PDF  
  7. Activity: Download and listen to one podcast: “Making Gay History” and/or start listening to the "History is Gay" podcast. 
  8. Activity: Continue research on topic chosen in week 1
  9. Assignment: DB 3 -  ** See Assignment Details ** 


Week 3 : Harlem Renaissance (1920s) and the Lavender Scare (1950s)

  1. Tuesday, 6pm PST – Weekly Webinars – 1 hour. See course website for link.
  2. Reading: Bronski. pp. 104-151 (Chapters 6, 7)
  3. Reading: Darrow (2016). The Harlem Renaissance and the Lavender Scare
  4. Reading: National Park Service LGBTQ Heritage Theme Study.  Choose one chapter to read
  5. Videos: Lavender Scare, Interviews from the Movie. (Series of 10 short video clips - view a few). https://www.youtube.com/user/TheLavenderScare
  6. Activity: Continue research on topic chosen in week 1
  7. Assignment: DB 4 ** See Assignment Details ** 
  8. Assignment: Visit to LGBT Archives ** See Assignment Details ** 


Week 4 : Legislation, Laws and Amendments related to LGBT History

  1. Tuesday, 6pm PST  – Weekly Webinars – 1 hour. See course website for link.
  2. Reading: Bronski. Pp. 205-235 (Chapter 10)
  3. Reading: Stryker. Pp. 1-44 (Chapter 1)
  4. Reading: National Park Service LGBTQ Heritage Theme Study. One other chapter of your choice.
  5. Video: “Transgender Basics – Gender Identity Project NYC”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXI9w0PbBXY
  6. Activity: Continue research on topic chosen in week 1
  7. Assignment: DB 5 ** See Assignment Details ** 
  8. Assignment: LGBT History / Curriculum Calendar ** See Assignment Details ** 


Week 5 (July ): Catch Up

  1. No online meeting this week.
  2. Reading: Stryker. Pp. 45-114 (Chapter 2, Chapter 3)
  3. Activity: Continue research on topic chosen in week 1
  4. Assignment: DB 6  ** See Assignment Details ** 


Week 6 (July): Transgender History 

  1. Tuesday, 6pm PST  – Weekly Webinars – 1 hour. See course website for link.
  2. Reading: Stryker. Pp. 195-236 (Chapter 6)
  3. Video: Screaming Queens, The Riot at Compton’s Cafeteria (50 minutes; 1968).
  4. Assignment: DB 7 ** See Assignment Details ** 
  5. Assignment 9: Lesson Plan and Slides posted by Friday at midnight. ** See Assignment Details ** 


Week 7 (July): Presentation Week 

  1.  Tuesday, 6pm PST – Weekly Webinars – 1 hour. 
  2. Activity: Post Test
  3. Assignment: Lesson Plan
  4. Assignment: Lesson Plan Presentation Webinar / Slides
  5. Assignment: DB 8 *** See Assignment Details ** 
  6. Assignment: Final Reflection *** See Assignment Details ** 
  7. Activity: Peer evaluation process for online presentations
  8. Activity: Post Assessment







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